Classical Music. On Monday, November 16th, her playing is to be experienced live in the Musikverein Vienna; as a sampler to start with one can hear the fabulous Austrian-Dutch cellist Harriet Krijgh perform Rachmaninov. A virtuoso, who, together with pianist Magda Amara, perfects and instills life to the cello sonata in G flat as well as other pieces.

2015 11 15, Kurier (Austria)

This past Wednesday Krijgh re-visited the small hall of the Concertgebouw. Together with her regular duo-partner Magda Amara at the piano she played Mendelssohn’s second cello sonata and Rachmaninov’s sonata in G minor. Striking was: her robust tone, a beautifully even stroke and sometimes a selfwilled fingering.But above all Krijgh differentiates with characterful playing: she has fully absorbed each note and developed a clear vision of her own.

She is not someone to obediently paint within the boxes, but a cellist with an old soul, an original musician of the type who does turn the pages of her scores, but subsequently plays on with closed eyes. From behind her serious facial expressions pleasure seeps through.That too makes it a beautiful experience to see her play.

2015 11 20, NRC Handelsblad (Netherlands)

…Not only did Elgar’s cello concert not dissolve with late blooming melancholy,  it also towered above all as an most impressive document of quiet, glorious escape from reality:  a critical contribution to this was made by the 24 year old Dutch cellist Harriet Krijgh, whose internalized, highly differentiated playing possessed an extraordinary charm – not less so in the encore of the Bach Sarabande.

2015 11 04, Cologne City Gazette (Germany)